Vintage Button Rings

by Karron & Jason Skog, Brooklyn, New York. Email us at

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Buttons on buttons. Buttons on rings. Button rings on your fingers. Take a peek at a few choice groupings. And we do mean choice.

Wood you? We thought you would. $10 each. Won't you?

Simple. Sophisticated. Are you sure these are really buttons? $10 each. Chic? Check.

Whimsical. Popsicle. Delish. $10 each for these lip-smackers.

Heavy metal? Hardly. $10 each. Bring it on.
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Vintage rings with mother of pearl accents. $12 each. Fab.

Big, bold and beautiful. Can you pull it off? Believe it. $10 each ($15 for the Bakelite beauty in front)

Sweet and petite. $12 and $10. Seriously. That's all.

Edgy and elegant. Timeless. Priceless. For $10 and $12, how can you lose?

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Some recent additions

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